Beyond Cardio: Why Women Over 40 Need Strength Training

Renea Jones-Hudson • Apr 06, 2023

Why Women Over 40 Need More than Just Cardio

Are you over 40 and relying solely on cardio for your exercise routine? 

It may be time to include a strength training routine in your regimen. 

Here's why.

Our bodies undergo many changes as we age, including losing bone density and muscle mass, increasing the risk of fractures, falls, and chronic diseases like osteoporosis, while cardio workouts are excellent for your heart's health, more is needed to keep your muscles and bones in good condition.

This is where strength exercises come into play. 

Strength training involves challenging muscles and fostering growth using weights, resistance bands, or bodyweight workouts. It's not just for bodybuilders or men; women over 40 must maintain their health and well-being.

Here are some reasons you need more than just cardio and should incorporate strength training into your exercise routine.

1. Maintains Muscle Mass

Women experience a natural loss of muscle mass as they mature, which can result in a slowed metabolism and weight gain. Strength training exercises can help counteract this by preserving and gaining muscle mass, boosting metabolism, and aiding in weight management. Plus, who doesn't want to feel strong and toned?

2. Increasing Bone Density

For women over 40, osteoporosis, a condition in which bones weaken and crack, is a serious worry. Strength training can help enhance bone density, lowering the chance of fractures and falls. This means you can remain independent and engage in the activities you enjoy without worrying about getting injured.

3. Improving Balance and Coordination

As we mature, we may experience a decline in motor skills and equilibrium, increasing our risk of falling. Strength training benefits women with better balance and coordination by strengthening the muscles that support the joints. As a result, you'll feel more confident and steady on your feet, which can help prevent injuries.

4. Reducing the Risk of Chronic Conditions

Strength training for women has been shown to lower the risk of chronic conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. So, there is always time to start. But, you can still reap the benefits even if you've never strength trained before.

5. Boosting Confidence and Mental Health

Strength workouts can improve self-esteem and mental health by giving a sense of achievement and a more positive body image. In addition, your mood and general well-being can improve when you see your growth and feel strong.


Getting started with a strength training program?

If you're new to strength training, don't stress; you don't have to begin lifting heavy weights immediately. Instead, it's essential to start slowly and build up weight and intensity as you get more comfortable.

Working with a personal trainer or attending a strength training program for women can also help get started and ensure proper form to avoid injury.

Including strength training in your exercise regimen doesn't mean you need to give up cardio altogether. Instead, finding a balance that works for you and your fitness goals is crucial. Strength training can even be added to your cardio routine in the form of circuit training or adding bodyweight exercises like squats or lunges between cardio intervals.


Finally, Ladies, it's time to ditch the idea that strength training is only for men or bodybuilders.

Women over 40 need more than cardio to maintain their health and well-being. Strength training can help you keep muscle mass, increase bone density, improve balance and coordination, lower your risk of developing chronic conditions, and improve your mental and emotional health. It can also help you feel more in control of your body. 

So, grab some weights and get ready to feel strong and EmpowHERed!

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